XSS Validator

Enabled Validate input for malicious code.

This middleware works for both GET, POST methods and will throw an 400 Bad Request error when the either body or query params will contain unsecure code. Based on https://github.com/leizongmin/js-xss

ℹ Read more about performing output escaping here.


This middleware is enabled globally by default. You can customize it both globally and per route like following:

export default defineNuxtConfig({  // Global  security: {    xssValidator: {      // options    }  }  // Per Route  routeRules: {    '/my-secret-route': {      security: {        xssValidator: {          // options        }      }    }  }})

You can also disable the middleware globally or per route by setting xssValidator: false.


XSS validator accepts following configuration options:

type XssValidator = {  whiteList: Record<string, any>;  stripIgnoreTag: boolean;  stripIgnoreTagBody: boolean;  css: Record<string, any> | boolean;  throwError: boolean;} | {};


  • Default: -

By specifying a whiteList, e.g. { 'tagName': 'attr-1', 'attr-2' }. Tags and attributes not in the whitelist would be filter out


  • Default: -

Filter out tags not in the whitelist


  • Default: -

Filter out tags and tag bodies not in the whitelist


  • Default: -

If you allow the attribute style, the value will be processed by cssfilter module.


  • Default: true

Whether to throw Nuxt Error with appriopriate error code and message. If set to false, it will just return the object with the error that you can handle.